Diamond Buying Guide

Diamond 4 C’s

It is important to understand the 4 main characteristics of diamonds; Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat. All four determine the value and quality of a diamond.  Understanding the 4C’s will help you make an informed decision. Cut is the most important characteristic determining a diamonds value. The higher the cut grade the more expensive the diamond.

There has been a propensity towards buying diamonds simply based on information on their diamond certificates, however subtle differences in the 4C’s can negatively affect a diamond despite what appears to be an attractive certificate. Every diamond is unique and expert advice should be sought before any buying decisions are made


A well-cut, Ideal cut diamond will internally reflect light from one mirror like facet to another, disperse and reflect it through the top of the stone. This results in a display of brilliance and fire.

If a diamond is cut shallow, light will leak through the side or bottom of the stone resulting in a loss of brilliance. The value of these stones is markedly less due to the loss of brilliance.

A deep cut stone will also leak light through the side or bottom of the stone. Deep cut stones will appear smaller than a same size/point stone that is well cut. The value of poorly cut diamonds are markedly less due to loss of size and brilliance.


Color differences in diamonds are very subtle within each range. Colors are graded under controlled lighting conditions. It is difficult to see the difference between a D color and an F color. With the naked eye it is easy to see the difference between a D color and faint yellow. When mounted in jewelry it’s more difficult to see these differences. Colorless and near colorless stones are difficult to distinguish when stones are well cut.

Colorless and near colorless stones look stunning when set in Platinum or white gold as their icy white appearance compliments the metal. Near colorless and varying shades of yellow look exceptional in yellow gold.

As you go up the scale, from Z to D diamond prices rise. Natural Diamonds also come in other colors, however due to their rarity they are extremely valuable. Lab grown diamonds come in a wide variety of colors.


Clarity refers to the presence of inclusions in a diamond. Inclusions are natural identifying characteristics such as minerals or fractures appearing while diamonds are formed in the earth. Using 10x magnifying glasses, gemologists determine the size, type and position of inclusions.

The position of inclusions can affect the value of a diamond. Inclusions are ranked on a scale of perfection, known as clarity. The clarity scale ranges from Fl (flawless) to I (included) and is based on the visibility at a magnification of 10x.

Within each clarity grade are sub categories The numbers represent levels within each grade. The 1’s will be cleaner than the 2’s.
When light enters a diamond, it is reflected and refracted out. Inclusions disrupt this flow of light and depending on the site and number of inclusions brilliance can be diminished.


A carat is a measure of weight rather than a reference to size.One carat is equal to 200 milligrams.One carat can also be divided into 100 points.A 50-point diamond is the same as a half carat diamond.

The price of a diamond increases exponentially with carat weight however two diamonds that are the same weight can have wide differences in value due to the other characteristics.